Sunday, 31 January 2010

Top Gear and Scrapheap Challenge

The snow came down last night spoiling plans for a ride with the club (hmiddletoncc) today. I was looking for a long ride to add to the 60miles this week across Tuesday nights Winter Wander and Saturdays mornings early run. Hoped to get 140 miles in this week. Punctured on Saturday morning as well. Had to spend the morning in the garage on the turbo, two hours watching repeats of Top Gear and Scrapheap Challenge. This was were I spent the two hours, pretty exotic, added the energy drinks afterwards, honestly!

I had already done 45 minutes on a hotel gym exercise bike early Thursday morning so reckon on this being the biggest week I have ever done for riding without getting anywhere, about 47 miles.
Still, watching all those inspirational programmes with Top Gear adventures and Scrapheap ingenuity did give me the idea for a new hybrid bike to cope with the winter conditions. What do you think, does it still need some work?

Saturday, 30 January 2010

What is Help for Heroes all about?
"It's about the blokes, our men and women of the Armed Forces. It's about Derek, a rugby player who lost both his legs, it's about Carl whose jaw is wired up so he has been drinking through a straw. It's about Richard who was handed a mobile phone as he lay on a stretcher so he could say goodbye to his wife. It's about Ben, it's about Steven and Andy and Mark, it's about them all. They are just blokes but they are our blokes; they are our heroes. We want to help our heroes."

I'm just any ordinary bloke who is going to spend 10 days averaging 100 miles a day to try to give something back to some other ordinary blokes who are real heroes.
Help me to help them. Click on the link for Just Giving