Managed to get in two early morning rides during the , going over Ashursrt Beacon both times and looked forward to a big mileage over the weekend. The forecast for Saturday looked OK but overnight into Sunday looks bad, sleet and snow with temperatures feeling below zero. Opted to get in a long ride on Saturday just in case Sunday is snowed off. Headed over to Winter Hill but the snow on the top plus the warning of ice in the village at the bottom meant I opted not to go right over the top. I hope you can see the snow on the photo, if not trust me, it was there.
Got in plenty of other hills though, need the legs to be prepared for the first couple of days in Cornwall. Lots of people have asked me about the ride, mainly about the hills, who are surprised that Cornwall will be tougher than Scotland. Put in 5 hours, covered 80 miles and tried to use the energy drinks and gels I will use on the ride to get used to them, Seemed to work OK, still pretty knackered at the end though.
Also got a mention in the Ormskirk Advertiser this week, they used the photo from last weeks blog of me outside the shop with Matt Middleton, although they cut off the Help for Heroes banner. Check it out from this link, although the journalist seems to have struggled to spell Lydiate on the web - Hopefully this will generate some more interest and sponsorship.
Sunday dawned without the snow/sleet/gales that were forecast so I met up with the club. I tried to sit in the group to see how my legs felt (pretty heavy), but the pace was quick. Ended up around the back of Winter Hill, through Belmont back to Horwich when it happened. Just about to cross the A6 at some traffic lights to go up a steep climb, everyone in the group slowed right down to try to avoid stopping, even a track stand from the club captain and then the lights changed. Press on the pedals to power away and.....SNAP, my chain broke leaving me stranded as everyone else swept away and up the hill. A couple of guys did come back to rescue me, thanks again to Alex and Martin. In 14 years of riding I have only ever snapped two chains and that has been in the last three months. Both times Martin has fixed it for me, so now I need another new chain. Plus I need to check if Martin can come and rescue me if I break another on the end to end. Still, got in another 4 hours and 70 miles. That makes 150 for the weekend and 50 in the week, total 200 miles. Biggest ever week but definitely needed a power nap this afternoon.