The weather has turned more spring-like this week, with the days getting longer, soon be summer. Hit the road early this week, with two 7am rides before breakfast. One of 26 miles over Ashurst Beacon, (got to keep climbing hills to build up for Cornwall) and a shorter circuit around Clieves Hill of 24 miles. Had a bit of a mechanical on the Clieves run as my gears started slipping. Avoided an altogether bigger mechanical with one of these bin wagons. The driver reversed into a side road to turn around and when he pulled back out onto the main road kept looking to the right to make sure the back end didn't catch anything. He never looked left, which was where I was coming from, never heard my back wheel lock up or me shouting at him either, drove on oblivious to almost wiping me out. Incidently, found this picture on e-bay, but if you want the wagon it has already sold for £2,450, people will buy anything.
Rested up on Saturday, planning for 100 miles on Sunday. Got our at 7.15am and put in 26 miles before meeting the club. Set off towards Winter Hill and put in 52 miles with the club to the cafe in Rufford. As I was on a mission I only stopped to fill my drink bottle and carried on to get in some more miles. Put in another couple of loops of Clieves Hill and then stopped to take the photo of my bike computer as it clocked up 100.20 miles just 800 metres from home, job done.

I was stopped at the time which is why it shows 0mph but that was 5 hours and 50 minutes after leaving home my first 100 miles of the year. Just need to put a few more in now!
Superb effort Steve. Lucky escape with Dusty Bin!!!! I spotted you out on Thursday morning as I was driving down Long Lane on my way to work. Time's ticking and it's getting close now. Hope to see you out on Sunday and may even cross paths during the week nights.