Thursday, 27 May 2010

Day 8 of the ride

The day dawned bright & sunny again but still a cold northerly headwind to ride into all day. Anyone riding from north to south has had an advantage on me so far. Saw the Firth of Clyde for the first time as I rode north to the Gourock Ferry. Time for the first coffe & cake infusion while I waited for the 11.20 sailing. On board met a Scot now living in Canada, here with his wife for a bereavement. Pierre, unusual name for a Scot but he had a French father. He had lived in Ayreshire so I showed him my route. He picked out a place called Stair where I stopped at the pub for a coffee yesterday. He described the pub perfectly. He has cousins living in Maghull, which is where I am from because an uncle moved to Liverpool. He has taken my details to make a donation lovely couple. The scenery changed after the ferry, water, mountains and forest everywhere with huge skies. Made a stop in Inverary which looked magnificent as I approached. Continued to head north, magnificent views everywhere and quiet roads. Planned to stop at Connel for tje final break, filled up on cake and some fudge. Crossing the bridge on leaving was dodgy as the wind was blowing me sideways. 28 miles still to but the force was with me, I called for more power and it was there, covered the final miles in 1hr 45, man on a mission to get to the pub! Longest planned day of the trip, 137miles, average 16.1mph, 4800ft climbing, 8hr 30, 7600kcal. Fuel consumption - tea, juice, fruit, porridge, honey, toast, marmalade for breakfast, two coffees and three cakes on route, 4 1/2 litres energy drink, 7 carbohydrate gel sachets, fruesli bar, 3 squares of fudge, 1 pint protein milk shake, evening meal casserole, dumplings, potatoes, veg, sticky toffee pudding, cream, 2 pints Magners! Two days to go, crossing my fingers the dry weather holds.

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